Decorate your home with 3d Concrete Printing- Beautiful designs

3d Concon offer products built with 3d Concrete Printing

Leader in Concrete Printing -best Prices available

How 3D Concrete Printing is used to build houses?

3D concon is the only company who  has decided to pioneer and launch this intriguing technology in India. 3D Concrete printing is a totally fresh and brand-new concept in the Automation Industry. Buildings Constructed with this programmed machinery will cut down the production cost to almost 70%.Very soon , it is going to bring a great reform in our Country. There are many people who are not cognizant about this new industry so our company is here to answer all your questions. We are organizing some training sessions  also for our clients on frequent basis and provide information about the product.

There is a huge difference between the 3D printed houses and the traditional one. The exterior of 3D Concrete houses appear to be more advance in look as they can give diverse shape to its design. 

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3d Printed house

This innovative technology is going to change the entire planet in the near future. Most of the industries using this technique are quite successful today. Now the attitude of the nation has to be changed and divert them towards a digital platform.

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Our Specialization

Concrete 3D Printers produces less waste as compared to other method of construction. Exclusive designs can be created like arch shaped walls and distinct features.The whole process is reasonably affordable and beneficial too for any poverty affected country.


It can design the whole structure of the building very quickly.

Exterior Design​

Different forms of exterior within minutes.​

Furniture Design​

Best and superior designs created which are peerless.

Landscape Design​

Without physical labor, the technology itself proves to be the best.

Site Planning

Very quick & professional.

Interior Design​

Easy customization to form any design.


3dconcon is the first 3d concrete printing company in India to offer printing services to majority of our clients. We are the future of the new construction company who is going to change the world. Our main slogan is to deliver affordable and well built houses to the new generation.

Owing to the soaring price of the house it is likely not possible for every ordinary man to build his own house. Considering the demand and the growing population we have decided to gift our nation with adequate housing project.

Our team is extensively working on this new project to meet the home crisis and provide them with shelter in a stipulated time period.

“Digitalization is changing every aspect of construction and the entire life cycle of a building, from the design process and automated construction all the way to maintenance.”


[  The modern world Technology.. THIS IS HOW IT WORKS …Have a Look. ]

  • 3D Concrete Printing is the contemporary recent  technology  which will substitute and completely diminish our ancient tradition of construction.

  • We should appreciate that all the modern technology and equipments are shifting us towards a more advance life. Construction 3D Printers are especially designed to construct any form of architecture in a more proficient style.

  • The automated process which is followed enables the conceptual design with more excellence limiting the time consumed by physical labors. Digitization has also reduced the uphill struggle of Industries. 3D Concrete Printing not only delivers better result with perfection in a much economical  price but also minimizes the labor cost .


  • 3D Printed buildings are more attractive and sophisticated as compared to our traditional construction process which is an advantage.

  • 3D Printers are employed in such a way that the whole composition of the building is non-identical. Such innovative inventions will definitely set a good impact in our society and construction industry.

  • 3D Concrete printing uses solar energy and emit low CO2. One of the most important advantage of using this technology is that it also uses organic and eco-friendly materials. The foundation of the whole building is shaped over  a plate and then the whole procedure go on. The concrete is placed layer over layer.
  • 3D Printers work extremely  faster than normal in constructing any design.
  • With the aid of 3D Printers a whole building can be constructed in cost effective way.
  • The wall of the house, frames and any other outdoor decors, bridges or benches can be constructed using this present technology.
  • The major base of the house build with 3D printers are more safe and powerful for handling any natural disaster.
  • While the traditional way of construction takes almost 4-5 weeks for completion, 3D Printers hardly takes 24 hrs to build one complete building.