{ "apiVersion": 2, "name": "gutenverse/tab", "title": "Tab Item", "description": "Create content inside a tab element", "category": "gutenverse-element", "parent": [ "gutenverse/tabs" ], "example": {}, "attributes": { "elementId": { "type": "string" }, "tabId": { "type": "string" }, "active": { "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "first": { "type": "boolean", "default": false } }, "variations": [], "supports": { "className": false, "html": false }, "keywords": [ "tabs", "accordion", "gutenverse" ] } Contact us | 3D Concon | 3D printed Concrete homes | 3D CONCON

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We are proficient professionals in the field of 3D construction. Having an experience of handling customers for 5 years. We also provide demo for the machine how it works and perform. If you want to know in details about 3D Concrete construction you can come to us. We are the only company in India till date to launch this recent technology.

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